[Update 2022-09-27] Programming languages are no longer very interesting. There are some that help get the job done but at the end of the
day it all boils down to syntax. They all need to produce about the same assembly and some work. In my ideal world there is
an esparanto of programming languages that is used for source code at rest. If you’re a TCL programmer you export the code in TCL, make changes,
and then convert it back to esparanto for storage. Knuth got one thing right in Literate Programming
… it needs to be better.
[Update 2021-10-01] Over the last 2 years I have spent a great deal of time creating a number of DSLs and frameworks to optimize time spent on operations as well as confidence reproducing results. SQL has been a common language as the language shortcuts code that I would otherwise have to write each time. tcl has served me well as both a CLI scripting language (instead of shell, bash, etc) and has been a cood template for my DSL. Everything else is as needed if they are even languages.
[Update 2019-08-23] Started some Flutter/Dart development. Given the size of the effort and the number of different services and APIs any prep for automated application development is going to take some time.
[Update 2017-09-26] In addition to my continued use of go I have designed and implemented a DSL for an enterprise reporting system.
[Update 2016-04-22] When I joined Ultimate Software they were a dedicated Microsoft shop. I was hired because of my depth of knowledge and the lack of Linux experience which was starting to make inroads into the organization. I introduced the organization to Google’s golang by implementing a VMware scheduler and orchestration tool from the ground up.
And while at Netcentrix I leveraged that experience to design and build a DSL in order to implement a reporting system based on flow based programming, TH1/tcl, Lua and other incidental experiences.
[Update 2011-12-06] Actually there is still a lot missing from this list. The tier-1/2 dependency list is pretty high. Things like Spread, ZeroMQ, OpenSSL, JDBC, jPOS, Mnesia, Mojolicious, Twisted, Celery, ActiveRecord, Hibernate, iBatis, Riak, Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra … and it goes deeper than that too.
As a followup article to “projects and more projects“; this article is going to cover all of the programming languages, tools and frameworks I’ve used over the years as they relate to the projects I’ve worked on. This is going to be the hardest document to write because in some cases the dependencies were too deep for me to know for sure. (thank you WebLogic) but I’ll give it a shot in that maybe it’ll be interesting in the end.