Richard Bucker

Back and Better Than Before

Posted at — Jan 31, 2023

Last year my development system was 2 different computers. One as a terminal that I would then ssh (proxy) into a second machine in order to VPN to my client’s DC. And when I needed a browser I would have to use the proxy’s console. This was a passable environment until both systems started to degrade and then finally die.

I replaced them with two laptops for a while and that worked for a while but then I wanted a standing desk… so about 3 months ago I converted my DEV environment into a single POPOS installation with twin 34in monitors. I added some DNS and routing tricks on top of OVPN and got split DNS working. That was fantastic until Ubuntu or amdgpu started generating memory errors. Sadly even though it’s a real thing it’s not getting any attention from the developers.

Fast forward…

I tried to get ChromeOS to do some split routing but that was a FAIL… I did however get some parts working.

and voila I have a working ChromeOS.

The only sad parts….