Let me start out by saying that I really wanted this to work. But the reality is that it does not.
I have a Lenovo Duet 5 that I purchased and a Duet 3 that I inherited. The magnets are OK in everyday use but useless when trying to use it on my lap. On ocassion I like to surf from the couch but I find myself needing both hands to move the Duet from my lap to the couch and back. Also, the magnets are not that strong and keyboard constantly pops off. And while I’m 5'11" I just do not have enough of a lap to be comfortable enough to get any real work done.
What about tablet mode?
In my most recent session I was trying to upgrade ChromeOS without the keyboard… and there really wasn’t anything to figure. I was plain simple… and yet I was still using Android 9 which was upsetting. So then since I do most of my work in the terminal session I popped that open and tried to navigate. That sucked. There are no cursor keys. Which I confirmed with a 4 year old post.
Android failed here too.
I know where I’m going and it’s the inevitable. Shame on me for spending so much money on so much shit that if I’d just bought what I wanted in the first place then it would be a different place and with a few more bucks in my pocket.
more to come.