Richard Bucker

Did Steve Jobs Get It Right?

Posted at — Jan 13, 2023

A recent post was talking about Apple adding touch displays to it’s laptops and how Steve Jobs was strongly opposed to the idea…. The article mentioned Apple’s testing and user fatigue. Cutting to the quick he was both right and wrong.

Let’s compare Android tablets and Chromebooks… He’s right in the wrong sort of way. In my day to day business and personal use-cases… Tablets are for output and laptops are for a mix of input and output.

I use my tablet for consuming music, video, read reference materials and the ocassional email. While I use my Chromebook to write and test code. Most of my email is written on my Chromebook. The Android keyboard experience is for shit.

it’s not enough to have a keyboard but a bood keyboard experience.

Personally I’m in search of a programming paradigm that makes the keyboard obsolete and only requires a touch screen. Something reasonably visual. Blockly is close but there is still a lot of typing. I’d like to start with a unique glossary of variable names in a declaration section and then use things like context to aid in scope and declaration from pulldowns instead of typing.