Richard Bucker

More OpenBSD Development

Posted at — Jan 30, 2023

I’m not a Chrome v Firefox person but I know it’s a thing. I use Chrome because I’m only tellong one vendor about all my things. I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad but it’s a choice.

I’ve been shoping for an OpenBSD laptop and unsuccessful but my desktop is rock solid. I just added LibreOffice to my installed apps and while it’s HUGE and driven by Java… it works. I’ve also found ways to do my work in the browser with g-suite. So LibreOffice is extra cruft.

I’m proving my development domain is nothing more than terminal sessions and a browser… and loving it. What I find amazing is that I’m making progress in my environment using the lightest window manager CWM. I thought I was going to dive deep into DWM but I’m actually better off.