Is there such a thing as privacy these days?
Privacy is dead
Last week my kid’s teacher asked us to install a spell-checker on the iPad. Sure there was a version that did not require a login… and there was a free version… but then there was a note at the bottom of one of the web pages…. the app required internet access. Let’s be real; unless there is a keyboard hook that the OS uses to identify login forms from word processors… then I/we/they are leaking all sorts of private information like every website and the possible userID and password… Not because they hacked the device’s vault but because they are a keyboard logger.
Back in the day we had grammar checkers and spell checkers built into our apps. Some were better than others but this is very scarey.
I blog using
and I do not have a spell checker. I don’t care.
When you think about all the manipulation and the amounr of access and super spies (see twitter) anyone who says that business know best does not know sh!t.