I thought I was going to go to sleep, however, after shutting down the house for the evening I’m not ready for bed. This evening I’ve rolled a number of ideas together and I still have not achieved the sort of success I was hoping for.
In a sudden moment of realization it ocurreed to me that ESX, Proxmox, VirtualBox, Unraid and others happen to work… not because they developed any stellar technology but because they spent the time to become experts on the Linux virtualization system. And after all that time I spent on Proxmox recently it seemed plausable that I should have been able to whip up a VM in no time.
Well, there is a lot to know and it requires a different kind of specialized knowledge. I did that for a while and I saved my employer millions of dollars. But unless a company REALLY wants to own that slice in their domain you gotta look toward the experts. I’m going to go back and look at OpenBSD’s VMM solution. I recall it was pretty simple or at least just a few data points. I’ll also go and take a look at unraid and see what it looks like.
PS the more machines you add to a system the more unreliable it becomes.