Richard Bucker

VPN by Any Other Name

Posted at — Nov 28, 2022

It’s still Monday and I’m still complaining about OpenVPN. First of all I’m not sure it supports SplitDNS on Android and I read that it does not support multiple connections on Android.

Android lacks the API to support multiple connections

This means that 2 of my 3 development environments are useless or at least I’d need multiple machines to perform the job of one. I’m thinking back to what I did last year with ChromeOS… and I recall it was actually 2 systems. One for coding and one for browser testing. It took a long time to get multiple connections and split routing to work.

I recall having tweaks here and there to support Intel’s ClearLinux and Pop_OS. I think I merged the changes at one point. I might even have had an OpenBSD version with unbound.

More to come…