Richard Bucker

Where Have You Been

Posted at — Apr 30, 2024

My last post was about 6 months ago… I have not been anywhere interesting just nothing interesting to say. While this post is not meant to be interesting in itself it is a preamble to 2 upcoming posts.

The first post will be a very streamlined demo of lxc/lxd/microcloud/microceph/microovn and the next will be proxmox cluster. I have plenty of experience with docker and docker-swarm and some basic experience with kubernetes… and while I have said all that I care to about docker… it is still in the glossary.

Right now I’m running a single node ESXi node with a production and UAT instance of one of my applications. I call this system the chicken coop(runs in the lab environment) compared to the barn(runs in the enterprise datacenter) This is the story about cattle and pets (I do not recall the origin story but I’ve written about it before).

The problem with the ESXi installation is many fold.

The challenges go on and on. I cold not afford a cluster in my lab. The CLI tools are authoritative but endless beta. The APIs when writing code are endless and complicated. I have forgotten my passwords many times and being locked out is deadly. Patching the ESCi host is VERY painful.

So it’s time to move on to something else.